Bird Body Language: Find out what your pet is saying

Birds communicate through body expression and sounds to show their mood, whether they are sick or just wanting attention.

Like other animals, birds They are creatures the smartest and most cunning, and they also have your own language of communication although this is more difficult, for example, than understanding a dog or a cat. To understand certain behavior patterns, you need to have a lot of patience and time to find out what they want to tell us. Moreover, each type use body language differently so this complicates things further. Although each bird communicates differently, there are always common features that can help you determine which one it is. they want to give us.

First of all, once you have any kind of bird As a pet, you need to carefully observe its behavior so that if it ever changes, you know what to do and know what it wants to express. When watching your pet, try not to overload him, because he may get angry. Learn how to recognize bird body languageto also create a closer bond with your pet.

Bird body language

Things get a little more complicated than other species, since birds do not have the ability to mimic, although some gestures help to understand what is happening at certain moments. Is observation is very importantto know what’s going on. Birds communicate through songs and soundsbut some small gestures can show that something like For example :

Birds groom themselves and wash themselves daily; they are very curious.Birds groom themselves and wash themselves daily; they are very curious.
  • open peak. This may indicate aggressivenessespecially if this gesture is accompanied wing opening. Although it can also mean fatigue or extreme heat. In this case, the gesture may be accompanied by shortness of breath.
  • wings spread. Aggression or desire defend your territory or food.
  • Rest position. The bird is comfortable and represents well-being. Otherwise, it may also indicate a possible injury. To do this, we will carefully and superficially examine whether it has any types of wound or lump.
  • Wing and leg stretch. This is a way to express that they are relaxed. They usually do this in simultaneous movement. This also means they stretch.
  • The flapping of its wings is very important in determining its mood. The flapping of its wings is very important in determining its mood.
  • head under wing. Sleep calmlyor who is sick.
  • The bird is stunned. It means that Something is happening to himWho is sick.
  • slender body. If you also experience nervousness and a somewhat repetitive and shrill alarm tone, this means that there is something you don’t like and is preparing for a possible defense.
  • fallen wings. Principle illness or fatigue.
  • bowed head. They do this when they want to gossip something more specific to better focus on something specific. If this was done towards another person, it signifies affection.
  • Peak friction. If she preens next to another bird, it means that they love each other and accept each other n.
  • If your pet tends to frequent the feeder, it's because he's not feeling well.If your pet tends to frequent the feeder, it’s because he’s not feeling well.
  • Scratching with beak. They do it to get high well feathers and that they are in the right place. It may also be possible mites or lice.
  • It’s always in the trough. Means bad feeling and also has more symptoms similar to those described earlier.
  • See if the beak squeaks. This is normal behavior and usually a sign of joy. I’ll do it in any time of the day, especially when preparing for the night. They polish the beak to keep it in good condition.

Tips for understanding birds

Despite patience and understanding of previous gestures. you should look In the following aspects you can learn even more about this wonderful spice and excellent pet.

  • Acknowledge their departure. birds – animals Very clean therefore, they will always groom themselves quite often. While preening, they tug their feathers with their beaks to straighten them. This also removes insects and accumulated debris. If the bird stopped caring and her feathers are ruffled and she looks disheveled, you’ll have to take her to the vet because Is there something wrong.
  • Birds are happier with companyBirds are happier with company
  • Make sure he bathes. Is very important to care for your feathers. The moment a bird stops bathing, it is not taking care of itself and may be a symptom that something is happening. Watch for splashes of water around the cage to know he’s had a bath.
  • Watch the energetic swings. Help takes care of his figureOtherwise, if you don’t do this, you may suffer from some disease. May be so I feel happy and want to attract attention.
  • Identify Signs of Joy. Once the bird has become acclimated to the home, it adopts a posture of singing and whistling. That’s why, if these sounds change This means something is happening. If you don’t change them or sing them often, you’re in a good mood. If you sing with a bird, great link.

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