Is it possible to give bones to dogs?

People often give dogs bones, but this is not always good for their health. Find out which ones are the best and how they feel on your pet.

If you have a dog, you know this more than anything he loves to bite Whatever they catch, this is why many people buy bones, not only so that they can play and entertain themselves, but also to ensure that their pet gets all the benefits that this food has in their diet.

However, there are many myths regarding whether bones are dangerous or not for the health of these animals. With all the conflicting information that exists It is important to know what the benefits of bones are, as well as their disadvantages. so that we can make a decision whether to give it to our pet or not.

Benefits of Bone for Dogs

Dog bones are very common if you have a pet and have a number of benefits.

  • Your pet will love it and it’s a good way to give him a treat every now and then.
  • It cleans teeth, keeps gums healthy and prevents tartar.
  • The bones represent excellent source of calcium and phosphoruswhich affect your pet’s growth and will benefit from including it in his diet.
  • Your pet relieves stress by eating it.
  • They are like toys that will keep your dog calm.
  • Helps stimulate the mind and train the jaw.

Disadvantages of Dog Bones

It’s true that bones too can lead to a number of disadvantages We need to know if we are going to give them to our pet.

Dog bones can have a number of advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of.Dog bones can have a number of advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of.
  • Poor quality bones can cause bacterial diseases.
  • They are usually difficult to digest, which can cause problems with constipation or diarrhea in your pet.
  • If the bone is brittle, it can cause sores in the mouth along the intestines and even obstruction.

Types of bones in dogs

  • Edible bones : These are the bones that they are hollow and which can be ground in a grinder, they are very beneficial for your pets as they contain minerals, calcium and phosphorus.
  • bones for rest : These are the bones that They are used as a dog toy., you can spend hours playing with them, chewing on them and even stimulating your mind. They do not contain calcium and there is no risk of swallowing them due to their large size and hardness, but it is best to keep an eye on your pet while playing with them.
  • Cow skin bones : These bones They soften when they enter the body of our pets. and there are different sizes depending on the breed of your dog.
  • Pork bones : It is very important that let’s not give him these bones our pets as they can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Moreover, our pets are not able to digest them properly.
  • Calcium bones : These are a great option for our pet, not only because, as the name suggests, they are high in calcium, but also because this type of bone They can be stored for a long time and are easily digestible.. However, we must remember that it must be washed every time we store it so that our dog does not get a bacterial infection.

What bones should you not give to your dog?

It is usually always noted that chicken bones are not suitable for these animals because they are very small and can choke on them or even cause injury, but the truth is that you can handle this danger with all your bones that you give to your pet.

There are bones that it is advisable not to give to dogs for the sake of their health.There are bones that it is advisable not to give to dogs for the sake of their health.

To prevent this from happening, or at least there is a minimal likelihood of this happening, you should give your pet bones longer than your snout so they don’t choke. Of course, don’t feed bones that have been cut into small pieces, as they risk splintering in your dog’s intestines.

As we said earlier, Pork bones, as well as rib bones, are more prone to splintering, so it’s best to play it safe.. Likewise, we should try to ensure that our dog chews well what he eats, and when he no longer wants it or we deem it appropriate to store it, store it in the refrigerator, wash it before giving it to him again, and throw it away after three or four days. .

Boiled bones should never be given

The most dangerous bones for our pets are cooked ones., including those that end up in table scraps when we cook things like chicken, ribs, etc. These bones can break and splinter very easily. If you think your dog may have swallowed something, he may experience some of the following symptoms: broken teeth, lesions in the mouth or tongue, gastrointestinal, tracheal, or esophageal obstruction, constipation, rectal bleeding, and peritonitis (a bacterial infection). in the abdominal cavity). which is caused by punctures of the stomach or intestines). If you notice your pet exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is It is extremely important to contact a veterinarian immediately.

Should you give your dog a bone?

The general opinion among owners of these animals is that unless the bones are small, chicken or cooked, we can give our pet a bone without any problem, however this is not the case. Although some bones are more dangerous than others, there is always a risk.

It is very important to know everything about dog bones before giving them to your dog.It is very important to know everything about dog bones before giving them to your dog.

This is why many people wonder whether they should give their pet a bone, despite the dangers it may entail, and the truth is: many veterinarians think it’s not worth it. As always, the pet owner has the final say, but veterinarians recommend grinding the bones into a powder and sprinkling it on your dog’s food rather than giving him a whole bone.

While this provides essential minerals for your pet’s diet, the benefit of the bite is lost. Despite this there are many bone substitutes by which you can achieve the same benefits in your diet, but as always, the decision is yours.

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