Benefits of having a pet during quarantine

Animals always bring benefits to people who have them, but even more so in difficult situations.

These are not easy times for anyone as the coronavirus is affecting the population with absolute virulence in most places in the world. Almost every day, millions of people are forced to remain in their homes indefinitely. the ability to go out only for absolutely necessary things, such as going to the store, to the doctor or to the pharmacy.

Well, getting through this quarantine is not easy and psychologists recommend establishing a daily routine that allows you to occupy your mind, talk to family and friends or exercise, among other things. One such practice allowed by the government despite the quarantine is walking the dog.. We must not forget that all dogs need to go for a walk three times a day and, above all, relieve themselves.

There are many benefits to having a pet.There are many benefits to having a pet.

While it is true that in the face of this desperate situation for many people, it’s a way to go outside and they don’t think it’s something they have to do out of obligation and without delay, since it’s not about walking around taking advantage of the dog’s presence, but rather about doing it so the animal can get out outside the home and satisfy your needs.

The cat will keep you company

Having animals at home is always a joy for everyone who loves them, so having a pet always brings a feeling of calm and tranquility, but above all, company. This is the most important thing during quarantine.. When it comes to cats, it is true that they are much more independent than other animals, but your pet loves you and will always show it to you.

If you are alone at home because the quarantine has attacked you so much, or because you live alone in a city of confinement, or because you did not have time to travel with your family, or for any other reason, a cat will help you. deal with this situation in a much happier way and the feeling that there is an animal that you can lean on in the most vulnerable moments.

Cats are independent animals, but they show a lot of affection.Cats are independent animals, but they show a lot of affection.
  • Feed him: A daily routine will keep your mind busy, and you and your cat will have a daily routine: where will you have to drop off the food? into his bowl and call him to eat and so on. It forces you to stop thinking about what is happening and focus on something else.
  • Cleaning the sandbox: Another situation that becomes routine is keeping the sandbox clean. your cat minds his own business. This will be another activity that will allow you to escape.
  • Caress him: The feeling of being petted by your pet will give you a lot of peace and you will feel like you have an animal that depends on you and loves you more than anything in the world.
  • Have your say: People who have pets probably understand this. When you have a pet and talk loudly when alone you feel that your pet is listening to youthis way there will be less loneliness.

Went out for a walk with the dogs

Anyone who has a dog now should feel like the luckiest person in the world, unless they are overly hypochondriac and require a lot of effort to go outside. During the quarantine, the government prohibited people from going out except to make essential purchases., work for those who cannot work remotely and other important aspects in people’s lives. One of these aspects is walking the dog, which initially caused a lot of uncertainty due to quarantine restrictions.

Walking the dog is one of the best options.Walking the dog is one of the best options.

Finally, it was pointed out that it is obviously possible to walk dogs, but be sure to do so with your head and responsibility. People who have dogs can go for walks with their pet at least three the big benefit that having a dog brings you is that you can stretch your legs a bit in places close to your home so you can get some sun in the middle of quarantine.

It is clear that the same thing happens with dogs and with cats, which allows us to follow a number of rules, which is very useful for people in quarantine. You will have to give him food at the right time and bathe him when the time is right. and play with him at home to keep him stress-free. If you add walking to this, it becomes clear that having a dog is extremely useful for getting through quarantine.

Rodents, fish, birds and other animals

It is true that having any animal at home will make the quarantine more bearable, but honestly, no other animal can provide the benefits that a dog provides in this extreme situation. This doesn’t mean that having just any pet will make your quarantine much easier. for the love he conveys to us and for the company he gives us in the most difficult moments.

Small animals also provide great company and create daily routine.Small animals also provide great company and create daily routine.
  • Rodents and rabbits: These animals create a series of rules for us that will force us to keep our heads on our shoulders. We can play with hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits and other rodents and lagomorphs and watch them run around the house, which will fill us with joy. In addition, we will have a specific time to give them their food of the day. and change their water and clean their cage every few days.
  • Birds: Who at home is not soothed by the singing of birds? People who have a pet bird will be able to listen to it with pleasure, feed it and always feel accompanied.
  • Reptiles: Reptiles are animals that allow less freedom of petting and entertainment, in the sense that some cannot be removed from the terrarium and so on. However, that sense of company they provide is very important and the topics of eating and cleaning are routines that keep the mind active.
  • Fish: Who has fish, it is because they are captivated by their care and their meandering movements in the aquarium. Thus, thorough water purificationFeeding them and simply keeping an eye on them can provide much-needed peace of mind during this time.

What about farm animals?

True, there are many exceptions with regard to animals, since of all those that we mentioned above, we focus on apartments or houses in which a huge number of animals cannot be accommodated and care is required. However, we can also talk about farm animals, since people living in cities or on the outskirts of cities and Having a home with a small farm or farmhouse will allow you to avoid quarantine much more..

Whoever is lucky enough to be able to spend more time outdoors with their animals.Whoever is lucky enough to be able to spend more time outdoors with their animals.

Among them we find people who have chickens that lay eggs, since they not only have to carry out daily care, but also collect the laid eggs. Ducks, pigs, sheep, etc. All these animals will allow you to spend quarantine further from imposed loneliness.. Let’s not forget about horses, since if you have enough space, horses can be ridden and care for them is much more careful and painstaking than for domestic animals such as dogs or cats.

Take care of your animals and be strong

There is a lot of information coming out about the coronavirus these days, and one of the lies that had to be clarified several times was the issue of infections in animals. It has not been proven in any way that animals can contract or transmit Covid-19., so please do not abandon any animal, during this difficult time or any other. Additionally, the vast majority of veterinarians remain open in case you need help or have an emergency. Good luck to all!

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