What should be kept in mind when taking a selfie with a mobile phone?

In the era of smartphones and social media, taking selfies has become an integral part of our daily lives and everyone loves to click selfies from their mobile phones.

Whether you’re on vacation, capturing special moments, or simply sharing your daily adventures, a well-taken selfie can make a great impression.

But do you know what to keep in mind when taking selfies with a mobile phone?

If not, then read this article and learn the top 11 tips that you should keep in mind.

How to Take a Great Selfie on Your Cell Phone (11 Top Tips)


1. Keep the camera clean

When taking a selfie from a mobile phone, first of all, we must remember that the camera is clean.

If there is dust or dirt in the camera, spots may appear on the photo.

Therefore, clean the camera thoroughly with a cotton cloth before taking a selfie.

2. Use better lighting

The quality of a selfie depends on the light, so use good lighting when taking it.

Note that natural light beautifies your face and gives you a natural glow.

When taking selfies indoors, stand near a window, this will provide soft light to the face and your photo will come out bright and clear.

Avoid strong sunlight as it can darken the face and ruin your photo.

If you love taking selfies at home, use a selfie ring light.

This will ensure even lighting of your face and give your photos a professional look.

3. Use the right angle

The angle of the selfie camera is very important and a photo taken from the right angle looks very attractive.

Most people keep their faces straight when taking selfies, but this can make your face look long and thin.

Therefore, when taking a selfie, tilt your face slightly to make your face look round and attractive.

If you have a long face, tilt it down a little, if you have a round face, lift it up a little.

If you place the mobile camera too high, your face may appear smaller, if your camera is placed too low, your face may appear larger.

Put your hair on the sides of the face or push it back, it will make your face more attractive.

Make sure not to change the camera angle too much, otherwise your face will look distorted during the selfie.

4. Correct placement

Selfie pose is also very important and this is because a selfie taken with the right pose looks attractive.

Keep a smile on your face while taking a selfie and bend your body a little to make your face and body look beautiful.

Whenever you stand or sit, stand straight and don’t bend your neck, it reflects your self-confidence.

5. Use a self-timer

When taking a selfie, people often hold the camera phone in their hands and click, so It shakes and does not take good pictures.

So always use the self-timer when taking a selfie.

This will give you extra time to shoot and the quality of selfies will also improve.

6. Reduce the use of zoom when taking selfies

Zoom is used to improve selfies.

But zooming too much can make selfies blurry, as most cameras only have digital zoom.

So use Zoom as little as possible.

7. Use editing

Editing can be used to make your selfie better.

Editing can further improve the colors, lighting and contrast in the selfie.

But when editing photos, be careful not to overdo it to lose your natural look.

8. Use selfie filters

You can use the built-in filters of the phone camera to make your selfie more attractive.

There are many types of filters available on your smartphone and you can choose any filter of your choice.

9. Take care of the background

The background for a selfie is also very important because it Makes it more attractive, so choose a good background when taking pictures.

You can take a selfie in a natural location, in front of a colorful wall or in front of an attractive building.

If your camera has portrait mode, use it to blur your background and give your photo a professional look.

10. Use a good quality camera app

Nowadays, there are many types of applications for cameras.

Some of these apps are specially designed for taking selfies and come with various filters, effects and tools that will make your selfies even better.

So use a good quality camera app.

11. Bonus tips

If you are taking a selfie alone, you can use a selfie stick to take a selfie easily.

If you’re taking a group selfie, point the camera up so everyone can see clearly.

Be mindful of your privacy and the privacy of others when taking selfies and sharing them on social media.

Long last…

By keeping the practical tips mentioned above in mind, you can take better selfies with your mobile device.

So start taking selfies today and share them with your friends and family.

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